Professional Biographer: Mike Truscott from Golden Replay Biographies

In more than 40 years as a full-time professional writer, Mike Truscott has interviewed thousands of people...

Some were indeed rich and famous – but most have been "ordinary" people. And all, when prompted (and despite initial claims to the contrary!), have revealed lives full of interest and inspiration.

As a fully-qualified, long-experienced journalist, Mike is an expert at "getting the best out of you."

He is highly skilled in the arts of interviewing and writing – putting you at your ease and helping you vividly recall the highlights of your life - and then knitting them all together in a professionally written, highly readable narrative.

Mike has written for local, national and international newspapers, magazines, TV and radio.

He has lectured for the National Council for the Training of Journalists and the Devon and Cornwall Training and Enterprise Council, and has helped many budding young writers at schools careers conventions.

As a public relations specialist, he has publicised the achievements of numerous business people.

Now he is doing what he loves most, as a full-time “ghost writer” telling people’s life stories, with a growing number of very satisfied clients – see some of them in Testimonials.

Biography Writing Service